08 December 2008

my first photo shoot :)

i would like to introduce to you my beautiful little sister, lindsay, (you'll probably be seeing her alot on here!). she is graduating from highschool this year and we took a "stab" at her senior pictures. these are some of my favorites . . . i was pretty proud of myself and thought i had done pretty well for a "first-timer," but looking back at them after i've learned so much more about lighting, color casts, softness, exposure, metering, WB balance, yada, yada, yada. . . .i can see how much i need to improve! still pretty proud, though ;)

1 comment:

lindsAy said...

well lets see 1st of all I def agree with what you said about your beautiful little sister I am Model Material lol
jk I love my pictures and I am very proud that my sister took my Senior pictures =)
i love you and i think you were born to take pictures =)
I Love You